12 Secrets to Make 2023 a Year of Uncommon Achievement
Pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth
There’s an old saying, “Men’s secrets are in their stories.” The lives of David and Solomon tell a story. In those stories, I’ve found 12 Secrets that, when applied, will make 2023 a year of uncommon achievement.
Have A Passionate Desire to Advance God’s Kingdom
This secret is intentionally first on the list. When your heart becomes intoxicated with a desire to advance the kingdom of God ALL other things are added unto you. Even the things you haven’t asked for.
Luke chapter 12 tells the story of a man who had such a big harvest that his only problem was figuring out what to do with the excess.
His solution was to tear down his barns to build bigger barns to house all of his crops. Then he would sit back, eat, drink, and be merry.
However, God called this man a fool. Luke 12:20-21 says,
“But God said to him, ‘Foo! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
In complete contrast, we read about King David’s attitude towards his earthly treasure in 1 Chronicles 29:3,
“And now, because of my devotion to the Temple of my God, I am giving all of my own private treasures of gold and silver to help in the construction This is in addition to the building materials I have already collected for this holy Temple.”
Many people are like the man who wanted to hoard all his wealth. But uncommon achievers are moved by the needs of the kingdom of God and His church.
In 1 Kings 3, Solomon loved the Lord so much that he offered 1,000 burnt offerings. David out of love and devotion to God and His temple, which is the house of God, emptied his bank account.
I possess a passion for God’s church, which is why I went out and hired a lawyer to fight against the lockdowns in Pittsburgh BEFORE I ever heard from the Lord about starting a church. It wasn’t my desire to start a church, but I’m passionate about seeing God’s house flourish. It was my passion for God’s house and His kingdom that caused God to give me a church and fill it with people.
If you don’t come out of this time of prayer and fasting with a passion for God and His work on this earth you’ve missed the mark. It is the golden secret of uncommon achievement.
2. Be Willing to Accept the Life of An Uncommon Achiever
There are three things you must be willing to endure as an uncommon achiever. The first is harsh family criticism. As soon as you set out to do something that’s never been done by anyone in your family, you will receive criticism. This isn’t exclusive to spiritual things although it does include them.
If you’re the first to own your own home rather than rent…
First to get a job rather than collect…
First to own a business rather than be an employee…
First to become a Christian…
First to fast and pray for 21 days…
You have to be ready and willing to face the criticism and push forward in spite of it.
The second thing you must have is a willingness to move geographically. Most people are born, live, and die within the same 50 mile radius.
When God called Abraham to be the father of many nations, the first command he gave was to leave his home.
I currently live in the area where I was born, but I surely didn’t stay here. I’ve traveled all over the world and lived in several places far away from the place I grew up. God called me back here to start a church and I obeyed.
The third thing you need to be willing to tolerate is outside criticism.
The Bible says in Isaiah 1:19,
“If you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land.’”
Many people are obedient, but they aren’t willing. They may tithe, give, and attend church, but they aren’t willing to put up with persecution. You may experience subtweets or even direct attacks online and harsh words in person. It comes with the territory. If Jesus was persecuted, what makes you think you’re free from it?
People tend to be comfortable with you at your current level, but when you begin to exceed the level of expectation they have for you, they speak up against what you’re trying to accomplish. I’ve experienced this with people in ministry. They treated me kindly as long as I was well below their level. As I began to approach their level they saw me as an adversary.
As an uncommon achiever you have to be willing to accept these challenges as a part of life. It’s the common plight of the uncommon achiever.
3. Establish a Clear-Cut, Well-Defined Goal As Commanded by God
In 2 Chronicles 2:3-4, Solomon explained his goal to a pagan King Hiram,
“...As you have dealt with David my father, and sent him cedars to build himself a house
to dwell in, so deal with me. Behold, I am building a temple for the name of the Lord my
God, to dedicate it to Him, to burn before Him sweet incense, for the continual s
howbread, for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the Sabbaths, on the New
Moons, and on the set feasts of the Lord our God. This is an ordinance forever to Israel.”
You should be able to put your life’s mission into a simple statement. This is not a call for you to begin brainstorming a personal statement. Your life’s purpose and subsequent statement isn't something you make up. You get it from God.
There’s a Harvard study that claims the only difference between their top 3% of their graduates and the other 97% is that the top 3% have their goals written down. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that such a Harvard study ever took place. However, in my attempt to locate this mythical study, I came across a real study out of a university in the Caribbean. The study confirms that those who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them than those who don’t.
The first part of this secret is important but the second part is imperative. As commanded by God. Make sure that what you’re pursuing is the will of God for your life. When you’re carrying out the will of God for your life as He commanded, you go about things differently. Because this church was not my desire but a command from God, I respond to things differently.
When we were reported to the city by another church, we didn’t back down and say, ‘well I guess we better change course.’ This church isn’t just a nice idea, it’s a command. That means we’re going to do what God commanded us to do regardless of what challenges occur in the natural.
4. Announce Your Goal and Be Able to Explain It’s Value and Purpose to Anyone
As we just read in 2 Chronicles 2:3 -4, Solomon clearly explained his goal and its purpose to King Hiram. When Solomon finished explaining his goal and communicating its purpose and value, King Hiram sent his best men and his best building materials to aid in Solomon’s cause.
A businessman I am acquainted with who happens to be a man of another faith, visited our church one Sunday. I asked him to take a look across the rows and aisles and explained to him that what he was seeing is why globalists hate Christianity. What he saw was an arena filled with people from every ethnic background imaginable. Black people, hispanic people, white people, and so on, were holding hands and singing praises to God. While the globalists are hard at work trying to turn everyone against each other, the house of God is bringing people together in love. The businessman shook his head in agreement. He could see the value of church even though he wasn’t a Christian.
I can convince anyone of the importance of church, even if they don’t believe in Jesus. If you’re the mayor of a city, I’d explain to you that a holy ghost filled church in your city leads to lower unemployment and crime rates. The Bible removes the desire to stay home, collect from the government, and get high on drugs and alcohol. The Bible changes people’s hearts. You can pass laws to punish people for doing wrong, but God puts a new heart in people that causes them to want to do right.
I can present studies that prove the presence of the gospel generates economic growth, lowers crime and decreases broken homes. If you have no desire to go to heaven or you doubt heaven even exists, I can still demonstrate how the Bible and church have major value.
You’ll have people mock you when you announce your goals. That’s fine. Let them. That’s their job. Mockers mock. It’s your job to pursue the purpose God has for you within His kingdom. A part of that job is to describe your goal and purpose in such a way that people don’t just agree, they want to get involved.
5. Be Convinced of the Value and Greatness of Your Goal and Be Proud of It
In 2 Chronicles 2:5, in his message to King Hiram, Solomon speaks highly of the temple he is building God and is unapologetic about its importance.
“This must be a magnificent Temple because our God is greater than all other gods.”
When you’re convinced of the magnitude your goal plays in the kingdom of God you automatically begin to develop tunnel vision.
Nehemiah, another uncommon achiever set out to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. As his goal was nearing completion, Nehemiah’s enemies sent a message requesting to meet. His response is how we should all respond while engaged in kingdom business.
“...so I replied by sending this message to them: ‘I am engaged in a great work, so I
can’t come. Why should I stop working to come meet with you?”
Nehemiah knew his goal was too important to lose focus for any reason. If you read Nehemiah chapter 6 in its entirety, you’ll discover that Nehemiah’s enemies wrote to him five times to try and distract, intimidate, and even threaten him in an attempt to keep him from completing his goal. In the end, he completed his task in such a short amount of time that it brought fear and shame to his enemies because they knew God was with him.
Be so proud of the work God has assigned you to carry out that you protect your focus at all costs. No matter how small it may seem to you now. The Bible tells us not to despise the days of small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. Take pride in your work and God will make it great.
6. Set a First-Class Quality Standard
Everything Solomon did was first class. He didn’t just build a temple, he lavished it.
“He paneled the main room of the Temple with cypress wood, overlaid it with fine gold,
and decorated it with carvings of palm trees and chains. He decorated the walls of the Temple with beautiful jewels and with gold from the land of Parvaim. He overlaid the beams, thresholds, walls, and doors throughout the Temple with gold, and he carved figures of cherubim on the walls.”
That’s a prime example of someone who prioritizes quality.
In contrast, there’s a minister who pastors in one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. It happens to be located on the beach. Every Sunday he dresses in flip flops, cargo shorts, and an untucked, wrinkled dress shirt that looks like he keeps it in the glove compartment of his car.
Talk about the opposite of setting a first class standard. By dressing like that, he’s stifling his reach. There are people in society who would never listen to a man dressed like that. Even if what he’s saying is spot on. God doesn’t judge by appearance, but as a pastor you’re not trying to get God to attend your church, you should be looking to appeal to people in all walks of life and get them saved.
There’s been a casual movement within the church lately, but it hasn’t seemed to permeate into other areas. They still wear suits to discuss sports on ESPN. Game show hosts are still dressed to the nines. Ryan Seacrest wears a $7,000 suit to host American Idol. Why have many churches given up on a spirit of excellence?
Poor people don’t decide not to listen to someone because they’re dressed in a suit, but many rich people will quickly tune you out when you’re dressed like a bum. There are people who run sales meetings all week and manage hedge funds. These people require a certain level of professionalism and quality in order to take someone seriously.
It’s important to note, a spirit of excellence doesn’t have anything to do with money. It’s about paying attention. For example, if you’re a business owner, is your website up to date? The Bible says in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
What would you do for Jesus if He was coming to preach at your church or if He was looking to hire your business? I would hope you would put all your effort into making the quality the absolute best. Since you can’t do earthly things for Christ, you do it for His servants as unto Him.
7. Keep Alive the Enthusiasm and Greatness of Your Project
The same way Solomon kept his enthusiasm for building God’s Temple alive, you should maintain momentum and keep people excited about what you’re doing. Don’t get bogged down in talking about budgets. Talk about your vision. Vision will bring you abundance. People are attracted to vision, not debt.
In order to keep others excited, you need to keep the enthusiasm alive in you. Boredom is the beginning of burnout. Keep your passion alive. Your passion is what brings out natural enthusiasm in others.
8. Establish A Production Schedule and Begin Work
This is a quick and simple point, but it’s where many people get stuck.
At some point you have to stop preparing and start doing. DO what God has called you to do. Setting a first class standard doesn’t mean you expect perfection right out of the gate. Begin where you are and ask God to give you more. When you begin, use every resource available to you and make what you're doing first-class. God will bless the diligent work of your hands.
Some people are always in the planning stage. They plan to open new churches. They plan crusades. They spend years working on a business plan, but they never actually execute the plan. Don’t be one of those people.
9. Hire Happy People
In 1 Kings chapter 10, when the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon she was stunned at how happy everyone was in Jerusalem.
“She exclaimed to the king, ‘Everything I heard in my country about your achievements
and wisdom is true! I didn’t believe what was said until I arrived here and saw it with my
own eyes. In fact, I had not heard the half of it! Your wisdom and prosperity are far
beyond what I was told. How happy your people must be! What a privilege for your
officials to stand here day after day listening to your wisdom.’”
A surefire way for you to keep your joy is to keep joyful people around you. I genuinely enjoy everyone that works at Revival Today. I don’t avoid anyone because everyone that works here is a joy to be around.
A recent study surveyed executives and found that they would rather hire someone who’s happy but does a lesser job than someone who is unpleasant to be around but operates at a higher level. There’s a reason for that. Being around happy people helps keep you joyful and the joy of the Lord carries the strength you need to become an uncommon achiever.
10. Have A Large Opinion of Yourself in Christ
Jesus didn’t care who believed in Him or who doubted Him because it didn’t change anything about who He was or what He came to do. In John 2: 23-25, the Bible tells us that people began to believe in Him, but it didn’t phase Jesus at all.
“Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover feast, many believed in His name
[identifying themselves with Him] after seeing His signs which He was doing. But Jesus,
for His part, did not entrust Himself to them, because He knew all people [and understood the superficiality and fickleness of human nature]. And He did not need anyone to testify concerning man [and human nature], for He Himself knew what was in man [in their hearts–in the very core of their being].”
People began to believe in Jesus, but He knew not to trust them or to let it affect how He proceeded. Humans are fickle. It’s foolish to seek the favor or approval of men. It’s not what men say about you, it’s what you believe about yourself that will determine where you go in life.
How do you know what to believe about yourself?
It’s in God’s word.
He said you can do ALL things in Christ who strengthens you.
He called you more than a conqueror.
He called you blessed.
There’s about 20 other things God describes you as in His word. But in reality, you will only become who God has called you to be if you believe it in your heart. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
In Deuteronomy, Joshua and Caleb believed they were able to take the land because God said it belonged to them. The other ten spies said they were like grasshoppers in the sight of their enemy. Joshua and Caleb took the land, the other spies never entered into it. You get what you believe.
You are what you believe about yourself. So see yourself how God sees you.
11. Move Quickly
Some people move as if they have biblical lifespans. Humans don’t live to be 500 years old anymore. It’s time to pick up the pace. Do less thinking and more acting. Abraham, another uncommon achiever, is the best example of this principle. In Genesis 12:1-4, God gave him an instruction and he did it immediately.
“‘Get from your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him…”
Notice there’s nothing in between verse three and verse four. As soon as God finished giving Abram instructions, the very next verse says that Abram departed. God’s command to Abram wasn’t an easy one. In those times leaving your family was like a death sentence. It meant you had no protection at a time when foreigners were hated. It didn’t matter. God spoke. Abram moved, quickly.
In John 9:4 Jesus speaks about the importance of moving quickly.
“We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is
coming, and then no one can work.”
Make the decision right now that you will be a ‘yes’ person to God. When God gives you an instruction your only response should be, ‘yes’. Not ‘okay, but…’ or ‘what if…’
There are numerous examples throughout the Bible that demonstrate how God only worked with those who dropped everything for Him.
He told Abraham to leave his family
He told the disciples to leave their nets and follow Him.
He told a rich man to sell everything he had and come follow Him.
He told a man to let the dead bury the dead and come follow Him.
God likes people who move fast because He moves fast. 2 Peter 3:9 says,
“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”
God runs with the runners, He doesn’t sit with the sitters. The thing God has for you to do this year is the same thing He spoke to you to do last year or five years ago, but you haven’t begun yet. God is not going to give you further instruction until you move on what the last instruction He gave you. So, MOVE.
This ministry is where it is today because of the speed with which the Lord’s instructions are followed. The man who planned to sell us the building we’re in now told us we could move in October. We sent a construction team over to the property the next day. When the building owner saw how fast we moved, he decided to give us the building for free!
Matthew 25:29 says,
“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. “
Don’t come up with reasons why you can’t do what God has called you to do. He opened a door, it’s up to you to figure out how to walk through it. For some of you this year may be the first time in your life that you move on the instruction God has given you. Don’t delay any longer.
12. Navigate Forward While In Crisis
There’s a tendency in people to shut down when they’re in crisis. Don’t allow a crisis to cause you to quit or take a step back. It’s the worst thing you can do.
In 1 Samuel, David’s wives and children as well as all the wives and children of his men were taken. It was the worst time in David’s life. He asked the Lord what to do and the Lord told him to pursue, overtake, and recover all and all was restored.
When Paul was thrown in jail in Philippi, he didn’t let that stop his purpose. Instead he started a church there. He wrote the epistles while in jail and kept his ministry going strong.
When trouble shows its head, go twice as hard. The whole point of the crisis is to get you to quit.
Don’t fall for it.
13. Sow an Uncommon Seed (Bonus)
If you’re expecting a year like no other year it requires a seed like you’ve never sown. This doesn’t mean you should throw money at your problems. The Bible tells us to ask the Lord what He would have you give. When God asks you to sow a seed, He already has a harvest in mind.
King David emptied his privaten treasury, over $6 billion, to build God’s temple. Here we are, thousands of years later still talking about David. We know him on a first name basis.
You can think of your seed as an investment, but it’s not a completely accurate comparison. Investments can lose money just as easily as they can gain money, but seeds produce one hundred fold. It’s guaranteed because God’s Word can’t fail.
Putting money and things aside for when you’re older sounds nice, but there’s no guarantee you’ll see it. In Matthew 6:19-22, Jesus tells us this,
“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them
and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and r
ust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever you treasure is,
there the desires of your heart will be also.”
You’re alive now, sow an uncommon seed now. Not only will you store up for yourself treasures in heaven, but you will receive a harvest while you’re alive on earth as well.
I pray you will take these things and make this year a different year. Thank you, Father, for helping us to instantly obey your voice and operate at your level and not our own.