What No Eye Has Seen 2023 — God’s Prophetic End Time Church: Night 3 - Bishop Dag Heward Mills

I believe God is moving in Revival Today Church. I want to share something with you about the work of the Lord because God is always working.

Say it out loud: God is working. 

God is moving and God is working through Pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth. There's a river of oil flowing through his life. 

Working with God is exciting. A pastor friend of mine who came to work with me said, “You make ministry exciting! It always feels like something exciting and wonderful is happening.” I believe that serving the Lord is a great thing. It is not boring. It's very exciting and engaging, but it's also very difficult. 

When Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of the anointing, Elijah said “you have asked a hard thing” As a medical doctor, I can say with certainty that it is 100 times more difficult to be a minister of the gospel than to be a medical doctor. I was good in school. I won awards in my field. I was at the top when I practiced medicine, but the ministry is much more difficult than all of that. 

The work of a pastor who is building a church, especially a large church, is the most difficult of all the things in the ministry. Church growth is the most difficult part of ministry work. Out of all the different things a minister must do, church growth is the most difficult, but that’s the will of God. God wants us to build a mega church. 

If you were God and you had 7 billion people to save, you wouldn't want a small church. You would want something big. Something that could help save people. I believe that God wants to engage all of us in His work, regardless of your occupation. 

The traditional idea of a Christianity places a pastor in charge while everyone else sits in church and listens to a 30 minute sermon. This is not what God intended. It is a boring version of Christianity. 

I thank God I became saved because if I hadn't, I think I would have been an atheist, and a terrible one at that. Everything about church was boring to me. The hymns, the priests, and their sermons. They were so difficult to relate to. Had I not been saved, I would have been the champion hater of churches and pastors. I would have criticized them and reduced the church to nonsense. Thank God, Jesus saved me when I was a teenager. I've been a Christian for so many years, serving the Lord, and working in the church. 

Say this out loud: I've been a Christian for so many years, serving the Lord and working in the church. 

That should be your testimony. 

I believe God wants you to come into a great work. He wants you to do something interesting, something that will engage your heart. He wants everyone to be involved in His work, not only your pastor. 

The Prophecy of The Lord’s House

In the realm of the spirit, I saw Pastor Jonathan climbing a mountain. He was about three quarters of the way to the top, and he was alone.  

When you are going higher in God, there are fewer and fewer people with you. The narrow way has very few people.  One of the characteristics that ensures you’re on the right track is that there will be fewer and fewer people with you. Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many are on it, but narrow is the way that leads to life. 

As I saw Pastor Jonathan on the mountain, the Holy Spirit whispered to me that he is climbing to a height where very few will reach. There are very few people in America who are where Pastor Jonathan is in the realm of the spirit. A mountain will take you higher, further and faster than anything else on earth. Climbing a mountain means you are approaching higher elevations. It’s a difficult climb and it can become very lonely. Not many attempt to climb mountains, but it’s the right way. 

In America, there will be an unusual move of the Spirit. It will be like a river in the middle of a desert. America is becoming a desert in the spirit realm. It used to be a rainforest with large trees and much growth, but it has become like a desert. Revival Today Church is a river in the middle of a dry land. 

Continue climbing your mountain. Take comfort in knowing there won’t be many with you as you continue to climb. Keep your focus on the mountain of the work God has placed before you because you are going to the top. 

“The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

Isaiah 2:1-3

This is a prophecy of the Lord's house. The Lord's house is a mountain. It's something great and awesome. 

I've visited the Swiss and French Alps. Mountains are awesome. When you see them up close you’re left in awe. Every mountain range is made up of many mountains, but there is always one that towers over the rest; the biggest mountain in the mountain range. The Bible says that in the last days, the house of the Lord will be established above all other mountains. The house of the Lord will be the biggests, best and most sought after in the last days. This is not a nice story, it’s a prophecy and it will come to pass. 

I can already see this prophecy begin to take hold. Since I’ve established our church in Ghana, I’ve seen banks close, airlines disappear into nothing, insurance companies cease to exist, but the house of the Lord shall be established on the mountain top, above all other things on earth. 

This is the prophecy for the church and for Revival Today. Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). It doesn’t matter what goes on in the world, God’s Word is true and His church will be established. 

My pastor in England who ordained me into ministry told me about a time in history, during the Dark Ages, when the church was almost completely wiped out. The only people left in churches in those days were monasteries. But even then, Jesus maintained His Word. “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Even during the Dark Ages, when the church shrunk to a miniscule fraction of what it had been, He maintained His church. 

The church is going to be the greatest thing on earth. “It will be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills.” 

God’s Church is International

One of the characteristics of the church is that all nations shall flow to it. Anyone who is not prepared to be international cannot be a part of the last day move of God because all nations will flow to it. The church is not an English entity, it’s not American, it’s not Chinese. It’s for all nations. You must abandon any nationalistic tendency as it pertains to the church. 

According to The Book of Acts, ministry exists in four phases. 

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

Jerusalem, Judea, to Samaria, and then to the uttermost parts of the earth represents the four phases of ministry. Judea is outside of Jerusalem. Samaria is outside of Judea. Jews did not like Samaritans. Those who opposed Jesus called Him a Samaritan as an insult. 

“Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?”

John 8:48

Despite any conflict that exists among nations, all nations of the world are very much a part of the Lord’s mega church. If you desire to be a part of the greatness of what God has prepared for His church, you will have to be able to, as Paul said, be all things to all people or you will never see the fullness of God’s mega ministry. 

You may feel you don’t need to preach the gospel to other nations because America is full of sinners to preach to, however mobility is necessary to fulfill your full ministry. It’s a spiritual law. 

The Word says to witness to those in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth. The gospel was preached to Judea when there were still sinners in Jerusalem, and then it was preached in Samaria while there were still plenty who needed the gospel in Judea.

Ministry is like an immune response. When your body encounters an allergen for the first time, nothing happens. It doesn’t trigger a reaction. Your body wasn’t expecting the allergen and the allergen wasn’t expecting you, but your body is developing memory and building defenses against it. The next time you encounter that allergen, your body responds with a full allergic response. 

In ministry, you can preach the word of God freely when no one is expecting you. However, when you return later, the whole system has built defenses against you. They know who you are and they know your purpose. But if by the time they figure you out, you’re already moved on to Judea, you can continue to preach the Word, uninhibited. Then when they’ve built up defenses against you in Judea, you've already moved on to Samaria. Before you know it, you’ll be at the ends of the earth preaching the gospel until Jesus returns. 

That’s why it’s important to keep moving. When ministries remain in the same place, they begin to fizzle out. It’s happened to many American ministries. Initially, the Word shocked and blessed the people who never heard it before. America has produced great men like Kenneth Hagin, but after a while, the entire country developed defenses or allergies against him and men like him. Over time those defenses began to multiply. 

Personally, I strive to surround myself with people of different nationalities. I take pride in it.

I had the privilege of meeting Reinhard Bonkee a few times. The last time I met with him, he pulled up a chair and sat with me, just the two of us. He asked me if I knew a certain man of African descent, who was the secret to his ministry. It was because Bonkee was able to assimilate a person of completely different ethnicity and culture, and make him an integral part of his ministry, that the ministry was so successful. 

As the prophet Isaiah said, many people will begin to flood into the house of the Lord. They will seek to understand the ways of the Lord. When Isaiah mentions Zion, he’s referring to the church. You can bet on the church. You can put your confidence in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ because the Word says that in the last days, the church will be established on the mountaintop. So support and build the church. It’s the best investment you can make. Even after this present age has faded away, with all our breakfast meetings and singing groups, the church will remain. 

America’s Prophecy

The prophetic Word of the Lord will always come to pass. You should strive to be a part of what God is doing in His church. Being tasked with building the mountain of the Lord’s house is a burden that everyone should take on, just as Paul said. It shouldn’t just fall on your pastor. Give thanks to God for calling you to build His church in these last days. It’s important work. 

“And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.

Zechariah 8:21-23

In this prophecy, Zechariah speaks of strong nations. America is the strongest nation on earth at the present time and the prophecy states that strong nations will seek the Lord. That means you can expect a shift in America. 

Zechariah’s prophecy also states that many peoples will seek the Lord. People of all races, cultures, and backgrounds will come to pray before the Lord. The Lord’s church will be filled with diversity. It’s important to open your heart to the people of all nations. If you hope to receive the power and grace of God in your life, business, or ministry, you will need to learn to embrace people from many nations. 

The old church will experience a shaking. I want to implant into your heart a love for people from all nations. Revival Today Church will consist of people from many strong nations. It’s not enough to place flags on stage to represent many nations, but to truly assimilate people of many nations into the church as part of the family. Become comfortable with people from every race and nationality. It’s not a difficult task, but it takes time to develop. 

The music and movie industries within a nation can create content that is international or that is deeply rooted in their own culture. Some movies are deeply American to the point where people who are not from America have difficulty understanding and being entertained by them. 

Then there are some movies created with the intent to appeal to an international audience. They seem to appeal to and understand other cultures. The church needs to take the latter approach in these last days. 

You should be concerned about what happens in different parts of the world. All nations of the world are a part of the Lord’s church, and the Lord’s house should concern you. Ministry is entering a time of internationalization and an acceptance of whoever God will use in these last days. Anyone who doesn’t do that will be cut off from this final move of God. 

I’m grateful for the diversity within the Lord’s church. God blessed me with an American, Keneth Hagin. He taught me about faith and speaking in tongues. I made it a point to learn everything about this man. I knew everything about him and his family. I knew his history and all the challenges he faced and overcame to the glory of God. But, suppose I decided I didn’t want to learn from an American or from a white person. I would have missed out on what God was using him to do. 

Next, God blessed me with a Korean, Yonggi Cho. He taught me a great deal about church growth. One of the most important journeys of my life was when I traveled to Korea. I traveled to many places in an attempt to speak with him, but I couldn’t get close enough, so I became friends with his assistant. I learned how to understand Korean English just so I could speak with him. 

Sometimes if you want to receive what the Lord has for you it requires you to press in. When I experienced a barrier to receiving from Yonggi Cho, I decided to press in until I found a way to receive. 

Then, the Lord blessed me with a Palestinian, Benny Hinn. I traveled to the Middle East to listen to him because I desired to have miracles in my ministry. I used to have trouble understanding Benny Hinn. He would always preach from Leviticus. I used to wonder, why can’t he preach from Corinthians or Matthew? One day I was listening to him preach on the steps to the anointing and suddenly I understood him. 

The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of understanding. When you begin to understand someone it’s a sign that the anointing of the Spirit of the Lord is coming upon you. That’s why you are suddenly able to understand, but until then, you’ll constantly find yourself asking, “What is he talking about? Why are all these people so happy?” As you begin to open yourself up to the anointing, the Lord will begin to speak to you and you will experience a significant change in your life. 

The American church will begin to become de-Americanized and transform into a completely international ministry. Many nations will flow into the church. Many nations will come and seek the Lord in these last days. 

“In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.”

Zechariah 8:23

The Holy Spirit is a genius. People who speak different languages and who have foreign accents will begin to ask to accompany you to church because they want to know and experience the God who is with you. I hope this excites you! If you are called by God, this is your portion. People will desire to know the God you serve! 

My church consists of mostly young people. At a time when there are so many other things young people could be doing, they’re coming to church. Instead of watching movies, having sex, taking drugs, or smoking weed, they’re asking to come to church. They’re streaming in by the hundreds because they see that God is present. 

The church is supernatural. If you are in a church that doesn’t experience the supernatural, it’s time to find a new church. We live in a time when even the secular world is becoming supernatural. Even the world is beginning to realize that something beyond the natural realm exists. It’s reflected in popular culture, in movies, books, and entertainment. The church is going to become even more supernatural because God’s power is superior to any secular power that exists. 

I’ve given two prophecies of God’s end time church. The first one was found in Isaiah chapter one, the second was in Zechariah chapter three, and the next one is in Isaiah chapter 60. 

“A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time.”

Isaiah 60:22

There comes a time when there is nothing left to do except believe what has been spoken. Receive the grace upon your life to become a nation. Believe what God’s Word says and you will begin to think in the thousands; thousands of church members, thousands of souls coming into the kingdom, thousands in ministry, thousands of crusades, in Jesus’ name!

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”

Isaiah 60:1

The Spirit of the Lord is saying arise and shine. Light is the Word, light is revelation. When God gives you a word it means light has come. It’s time to get up and start shining. 

“For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”

Isaiah 60:2

Is darkness beginning to cover America? It doesn’t require great discernment to recognize that it has. But now is the time that you can expect to see great glory, according to the Word. This is your time. Don’t become discouraged by what you see taking place in the political sphere, it is in that environment that the anointing and the church works best. 

In the last days, there will be wheat and tares and both will be mature. Evil will be mature and goodness will be mature. Both will rise to full maturity simultaneously. That’s why God’s instructions were to leave the tares alone and allow them to grow alongside the wheat. Your goodness will be mature and capable of facing the wickedness of this world. 

The next prophecy I will share with you is found in Jeremiah 30. 

“And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.”

Jeremiah 30:19

God’s church can never be a small church. It is a mega church. God’s church will run out of space before it runs out of people. God will multiply his church and they will not diminish. God will also glorify them. Glorify means to beautify. God’s church will be beautiful. The church, filled with people from all nations, will be multiplied, blessed, and never small. 

The church will be so big that if you don’t make arrangements to see your friend and meet at a designated location, you will never find them because the church is too big and filled with people. 

Teaching Pastors

The final prophecy I want to share with you is found in Jeremiah as well. 

“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”

Jeremiah 3:15

This should bring you joy. God said He will provide you with pastors after his own heart. He didn’t say you’ll have people who attended school and received a certificate, but people who He has ordained to bring you knowledge and understanding. That’s the hallmark of a real pastor, someone who can provide knowledge and understanding, not someone who can tell jokes and keep you entertained. 

The church needs Billy Graham’s style of evangelism and preaching more than ever before. That’s what made America great, the preaching of the Word. People want to see Jesus and Jesus is in the Word. 

“And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.”

Jeremiah 3:16

Multiplication and increase will occur as a result of pastors filling people with knowledge and understanding. Matthew 22:14 says, “many are called.” Many are called to be pastors. Not all pastors have their own church. There’s no need to have an independent spirit. Pastors are people who work together and climb the highest mountain.

In order for one person to climb Mount Everest it takes at least 270 people. Those 270 people help the one climbing by carrying their bags, oxygen, equipment, food, etc. Likewise, in order for one pastor to build one mega church, it requires about 270 pastors to achieve the mountainous work of building a mega church. 

Revival Today is going to be a mega church. That’s why I saw Pastor Jonathan climbing a mountain in the spirit. Those of you in the Pittsburgh area who are called to be pastors, are not necessarily called to start your own church. God doesn’t need 17 small churches. Revival Today needs pastors who will stay together and under the covering and authority of this church and pastor different groups that all belong to the same family. That is what will help build this ministry into a mighty mega ministry. That’s what will propel Revival Today Church into the thousands and tens of thousands. 

Many are called and once your heart is open to the nations, you will be blessed and sent to every nation, because America is full of nations. People from every nation will be a part of this family. It will be glorious and it will not be small.

Prophecy does two things: it predicts and it causes things to happen. I have prophesied over Revival Today Church. Not only is this a prediction, I’m speaking into the ministry to say that God is raising up this church to be a mega ministry. This ministry will give rise to many teaching priests, as the Word says in 2 Chronicles 15. There will be many teaching pastors who can stand and teach and care for the people. 

These prophecies I’ve shared with you concerning your life and God’s mega church are amazing. Receive the benefits contained in God’s Word. There’s no doubt that it will come to pass. 


What No Eye Has Seen 2023:  Steps To The Anointing


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